Both Gnosticism and Arianism posed/pose a serious threat to the Unity of the Church.
A revival of ancient Gnosticism, both pagan and “Christian” in contemporary times,
is also referred to as the New Age or the Age of Aquarius.
Within the framework of this new worldview, we are witnessing a rediscovery of Gnosis.
The discovery and publication of certain ancient Gnostic texts like the Nag Hammadi Codices,
play a significant role in this revival.
Consequently, the canon and the creeds of Scripture are now being questioned or openly
rejected based on this controversial Scripture.
is also referred to as the New Age or the Age of Aquarius.
Within the framework of this new worldview, we are witnessing a rediscovery of Gnosis.
The discovery and publication of certain ancient Gnostic texts like the Nag Hammadi Codices,
play a significant role in this revival.
Consequently, the canon and the creeds of Scripture are now being questioned or openly
rejected based on this controversial Scripture.
The Nicene Creed played a major and decisive role in preserving and maintaining the Unity of the Church on the basis of the Truth of Scripture. This age-old creed is just as relevant and important today in proclaiming and confessing the true faith and preserving the true unity of the church. Gnosticism was/is an attempt to combine or form integration/transfusion of Christianity with heathen elements, neoplatonic philosophy, mythology, dualism, astrology, et cetera
(Bavinck, 1906:112).
(Bavinck, 1906:112).
The main heresy of Gnosticism and Arianism is denying the divinity of Christ.
The base arguments originate with the Alexandrian priest Arius
(circa 250–circa 336).
Arianism maintains that the son of God was created by the
Father and Christ was therefore neither coeternal nor consubstantial.
The base arguments originate with the Alexandrian priest Arius
(circa 250–circa 336).
Arianism maintains that the son of God was created by the
Father and Christ was therefore neither coeternal nor consubstantial.
Christian Apologetics and the Research Ministry say Arianism, which developed from Alexandria, Egypt is equated with the false “Bibles” of today.